I first learned about Truth in Numbers: The Wikipedia Story from Jimmy Wales himself, during his talk at NYU. Since then, I've been absolutely fascinated by the story they are telling, how they're telling it, and experiencing its evolution via vidcasts.
A feature documentary about Wikipedia and free digital content, Truth in Numbers is:
an intimate study of the rise of Internet technology and one man’s (and one hundred million volunteers’) quest to provide free knowledge to the entire world
Their site, hosted on Wikia, is a 'feature documentary site that ANYONE can edit.' Now that's staying true to your core.
The film is scheduled to be released in early '08, and it's a non-profit project, so donations are tax-deductible. Bonus: a $50 + donation lands you a free special edition DVD, and you're named in the credits! Great work, guys. I, for one, will spread the good word.
This is a favorite segment: Part 6, Varanasi, India. At one point, Jimmy and the crew are being chased, and nearly attacked, by monkeys (everywhere) at their hotel. They definitely handled it better than I would've. :-)