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he was pleased with the rrpgoess of the failed Wikia Search project, but that economic conditions sapped its viability. My experience is that running a user-fed website is actually rather cheap. I run one with over 40,000 user-generated pages, and it costs about $240 a year. An objective reporter may have followed up with a question like, Approximately how much was the Wikia Search project costing your company, if it was being built mostly by volunteer contributors? Or, Are your other Wikia wikis operating in the black, or are they also experiencing this advertising drought you mention? Don't get me wrong. You're charming, Abby. I'm just disappointed with the online media's inability to forcefully challenge someone whom many critics (not just me) have concluded is an intellectual con-artist whose biggest financial success is (ironically, considering your venue) speaking tour fees.


You write well will be waiting for your new publications.

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