I've enjoyed reading Frank Gruber's blog, Somewhat Frank, for some time now. Today he wrote an excellent overview on Techcrunch comparing nine online feed readers. Typical of his style, the post is very well written, clear and right-on-the-money. Well done, and congrats, Frank!
Early on I loved Rojo (admittedly because of its mojo), but am a Google Reader user now. I use it everyday but am not what one might consider addicted to RSS. Really. :-)
The 120 comments (and counting!) to Techcrunch's post clearly demonstrates the amount of passion people have for this topic. Based on a couple of them, I'm going to take a look at CNET's Newsburst.
Whether you're a seasoned reader of feeds or still trying to figure out the whole RSS thing, go take a look, if you haven't already.
Tags: Techcrunch, Frank Gruber, Feed Readers, RSS, Google Reader
Thanks for the kind words. I am glad you enjoyed the post and you hit the nail right on the head...people are passionate about feed readers!
Posted by: Frank Gruber | March 31, 2006 at 01:51 PM