So, here's something smart. Silly, perhaps, but smart. Imagine finding out-of-the-box creativity, humor, and tech entertainment in the least expected of places: a can of soup.
Like so many wired folk, I read so much online, every day. I read, dig, read, dig, read more, dig deeper, and discover. Then repeat. Every day. So when I skimmed a snippet about "Soup Operas" (eyes rolling from the start of the headline), I was skeptical at best. But after viewing an 'episode' (go ahead...try not to view the next one) it is obvious, the creative genius at hand here.
Beyond that, it's just smart marketing. Begin with the fact that the web videos (wideos?) are a modern take on the radio soap operas of the 20's. Add in the fact that Progresso Soup isn't even featured in the soupey operas (just in the intros). Then blend in a contest that has nothing, absolutely nothing, to do with soup or Progresso. Smart.
Traditional media (and practices) no more. Producers for the Showtime Series The L Word think so, too. According to the Word of Mouth Marketing Association (WOMMA), they are "bringing new meaning to the term 'interactive TV." How? By having viewers submit scenes each week, and having fans vote for their favorite episodes. The producers don't "guarantee" that one such episode will air, but that doesn't matter. What matters is they connected, intimately, with their customers.
BMW and Coke get it, too. Best-selling authors have written stories which have BMers as part of the plot. That will translate to e-books, soon - then podcasts (knowing their reputation for great, high tech entertainment, I'm one who is curious to see the results there). And Coca-Cola is sending young bloggers to the Olympics. Podcasting, photo posting and reader comments included.
The bar on customer engagement has been raised. This doesn't mean companies have to reinvent themselves, necessarily. But it does require a great deal of creativity, being very aware of what rocks the customer's boat, and involving them. Maybe even getting Naked with them.